Monday, April 18, 2011


So, as all of you probably already know, Garrett is currently deployed in Afghanistan for the next seven months. He was trained to work on the M1 A1 Abrams Tanks but for some reason the ARMY doesn't have any of those tanks in Afghanistan...they all belong to the Marines yet they still made Garrett go over there...I don't know why. But anyway, for the past couple weeks he hasn't been completely honest with me in letting me know exactly what it is that he's doing over there until I finally got it out of him a few days ago. He has been going out on route clearance to find IED's that are set in their way to explode. Awesome...NOT! When I found this out I was extremely mad that the ARMY would train him to work on a certain tank and deploy him when those tanks aren't even over there and then make HIM drive the tanks to look for IED's! This isn't his job and I'm pretty sure it isn't in his job description. Anyway, the whole reason why he hasn't told me what he has had to do is so that I wouldn't worry about him. Of course being his wife I am always going to be worrying about him. Especially because he is in Afghanistan and at any moment something could go very wrong. At times, I am thankful that he doesn't tell me everything that is going on, but at the same time, a part of me wants to know. He tells me over and over everyday not to worry about him cause he reassures me that he will be just fine. These words always bring comfort to me. I feel like it is just human nature to worry so sometimes even when he tells me not to, I do. But, I know that if I keep my trust in the Lord and have faith, everything will be just fine and I know that Garrett and I will be reunited when his deployment is over. I miss him a ton but I'm so thankful for the sacrifices he is making for not only his family, but also for the world. I love him so much! 
This is the tank my studly hubby has been driving around! The m984 Wrecker! 

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